Our goal is to create a platform where anyone can use quantum software.
We will create a foundation that allows many people to engage in research, development, and commercialization of the development of quantum software.

Increased use of quantum software will deepen scientific knowledge and insight. Even complex calculations that could not be done before will be simulated faster and more accurately. Today, food and environmental issues are pressing problems for us. The problems we face can be solved with the help of quantum software.

Who we are
The Quantum Software Research Hub (QSRH) was selected in 2020 as one of the Policy Focus Areas/Quantum Technology of the JST COI-NEXT. The goal of this project is to establish infrastructure for solving social issues through quantum software on NISQ and FTQC devices, under the vision "Realization of a sustainable future society through quantum software co-creation platform" against the backdrop of SDGs. We promote "social implementation and dissemination of quantum software" by developing applications in machine learning, mathematical data science, finance, materials, chemistry, condensed matter physics, and other scientific frontiers, as well as by exploring use cases and fostering human resources. We are developing quantum middleware and a quantum/classical hybrid cloud environment to establish a "quantum software development platform" that enables seamless use of actual quantum computers and high-speed simulators both in Japan and abroad.
The Quantum Software Research Hub, together with member organizations, operates the Quantum Software Consortium, which not only conducts joint research and development, but also shares the latest information on quantum software, provides a platform for utilizing quantum technology infrastructure and simulators located in QIQB, and fosters quantum human resources.
If you are interested in our services, please contact us by filling out an inquiry form.
For more information about our joint research and development, please click here.
Join The Quantum Software Consortium
Fee to attend The Quantum Software Lecture Series ¥330,000 per person
Join The Quantum Software Consortium
Preparation phase for joint research
2 options: either joint research agreement (abridged version) or an academic consultation application
Please inquire about contributing resources
Fee to attend The Quantum Software Lecture Series
¥330,000 per person
Join The Quantum Software Consortium
Participation in R&D Proposal 2-7
Joint research in collaborative areas
Estimated contribution is ~¥20M (please inquire)
Free participation in the Quantum Software Lecture Series (one person free per 2.2 million yen of joint research funding)
Join The Quantum Software Consortium
Participation in R&D Proposal 2-7
Joint research in collaborative areas
Estimated contribution is ¥50M~ (please inquire)
Free participation in the Quantum Software Lecture Series (a limited number of free slots are available)
Contributing resources are defined as all resources from member organizations.
They contain not only joint research funds, but also direct expenses (human resources, goods, travels, management, and other expenses), facilities, and equipment for the research.